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Sophisticated! Nowadays Beggars Receive Money with QR Code

Undeniably, the progress of the times sometimes changes people's lifestyles. Maybe, you could say that getting an advanced gadget easily all at once is all online. Let alone for a large nominal transaction, even riding an ojek can now be done online.
Sophisticated! Nowadays Beggars Receive Money with QR Code
Slowly, many people in various parts of the world began to travel without carrying cash in their pockets. Simply card, or use their cellphone. However, who would have thought that technological advances also changed the lives of beggars. How not, in some countries they even use sophisticated gadgets to transact.

Beggars who do not have jobs and depend on the mercy of others for life are now carried away by the flow of the non-cash movement. Now beggars adapt to more sophisticated technology.

This major change supported by Oxford University Innovation and Oxford's Said Business School in the UK has created a barcode or QR Code that can be charged beggars there to get money. With this method, people can give money using their smartphones.

The originator of the idea, Alex McCallion, told the BBC that creating a new tool displaying a QR code similar to that issued for online tickets could solve the problem. This is because more people in the UK rely on cards and cellphones for their various transactions and payments everyday. "The solution we get is the mechanism of giving via your smartphone to limited funds," Alex said.

Then he added, another goal was to help homeless people save for their long-term financial goals. It might be better for him than they hold cash and spend their money on short-term solutions.

Later, they can use a smartphone to send, so if you don't bring a small fraction or coins now it's easier. Every homeless person is assigned by volunteers who help them to manage their financial accounts together and ensure that the money is spent on agreed targets, such as savings for rental deposits or new passports.

extraordinarily generous benefactors who want to give their donations to beggars can also learn more about the state of the recipient through the online profile that appears when they scan the barcode. So we donate not for free because we know the background.